Thursday, January 26, 2012

Another Delusional Letter to the Editor

It just doesn't stop!

Here is another Letter to the Editor in the Sarnia Observer from another delusional reader:


By Brenda Mason

Posted 17 hours ago

I am throughly disgusted with the news media Thank God That OPP was out of his car helping others.What has happened to the news how, what, where, and why?When I went to school that's what we where taught not making up stuff to sell more news.When I seen the car ripped in half or we didn't even know it was a car MY heart was breathing hard and heavy hoping the person or persons where ok.If you are not on seine you shouldn't make up things.Just get the facts and report the news the way it should be!!!!!! Not even going to say thanks because that was not reported the news the way it should be.To the officer THANKYOU for what you did and Thank God you where not in that car.

It is quite obvious this person is not very intelligent by the large number of grammar and spelling errors made and therefore more susceptible to believing in an imaginary sky daddy to thank for the OPP officer's skill of assistance and luck they were out of the car.

The real problem is still the religious conservative sun news media owned Sarnia Observer that can publish such trash that gets submitted to them.

Personally, I would be totally embarrassed with the total destruction of the English language Ms Brenda Mason!

PS, there is no god so thanking something that doesn't exist is useless!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Religious nutters are alive and well.

The religious nutters were having a field day in the Sarnia Observer's Letter to the Editor today (Tuesday January 24, 2012)

WTF is going on there at the Observer to permit three postings on the same day from these delusionals?

First one:

ARPA display

By Bill & Linda Dokter

Posted 16 hours ago

It's heart-warming to see the display on London Line, to see our citizens stand up for the unborn. Life is so precious, let's honour the sanctity of life as given by the Creator of life our Lord God in heaven. Many thanks to those who have taken the time, energy and expense in setting up the display!

Second one:

Abortion up for debate again

By Greta Kleyn

Posted 1 day ago

It is with interest and excitement that I want to share the news of the memorial display on London Line, constructed of hay bales and white wooden crosses!

The display seeks to create awareness of abortion in Canada. I think that it is good timing for this display to be erected for a number of reasons. First, MP Stephen Woodworth has bravely called for Parliament to address the issue of abortion and the fact that we are one of the few countries in the world (along with China and North Korea) that have no abortion legislation. Secondly, January 28th marks the 24th anniversary of the date when the Supreme Court of Canada struck down our abortion law.

I hope that this memorial will make all who see it, stop and think about the thousands of lives lost because of abortion and perhaps even spur some into action.

Greta Kleyn

Third one:

Tom Harpur's latest column

By Marie-Paule Wilkinson

Posted 17 hours ago

I wish to point out out an error in Tom Hrpur's column, where he states that the dogma of atonement goes back to St.Augustine. It actually goes back earlier - to the teaching of St.Paul in his Letter to the Romans, Chapter 3, which is contained in the New Testament of the Bible along with the four Gospels.

I am sure glad I don't give the Sarnia Observer one cent for their shitty redneck republican conservative sun news media toilet paper!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reason Rally - Come join the fun!

Come and join the fun down in Washington DC on March 24, 2012. Should be a great time.

Awesome speakers and entertainers.

This could be the largest gathering of non-believers ever.